Corrected Minutes
University System of Maryland
Council of University System Staff
University of Maryland
Baltimore County
February 27, 2001
Present |
Alternates |
Victoria Adeniran
(SSU) |
Donna Test (SSU) |
Jessica Bird (UMB) |
Jeanette Cartron (UMCP) |
Members Absent
Nelva Collier-White
(UMES) |
Joyce Bauguess (UB) |
Sally Davies (UMUC) |
Tina Kreamer (UMUC) |
Jackie Durbin (TU) |
Valerie Lashley (FSU) |
Willie Fields (CSC) |
Larry Lauer (UMCP) |
Tim Ford (UMBC) |
Sharon Perkins (CSC) |
Dottie Holland (BSU) |
Susann Shoop (TU) |
Rusty Kinnamon (UMCES) |
Tammy Trivits (SSU) |
Starrla Levine (UB) |
Nathan Long (BSU) |
USM Office
Janet Magruder (UMBC) |
Rosario I. van Daalen |
Lu Ann Marshall (UMB) |
Donald Tynes |
Mike McCrea (UMBI) |
Patrick McLane (FSU) |
Craig Newman (UMCP) |
Carol Prier (UMCP) |
Sandy Ratke (USM
Office) |
Richard Rose (USM
Office) |
Roy Ross (UMB) |
Andrianna Stuart
(UMCP) |
Brenda Warwick (UMES) |
Venus Windmiller
(UMBI) |
Fran Younger (UMCES) |
Weidemann, Vice Provost for Professional Development & Training, UMBC |
Pique, Director of Human Resources, UMBC |
Sue Hahn,
President, Classified Staff Senate, UMBC |
Morris, Vice President, Classified Staff Senate, UMBC |
I. Call to Order
The Chair, Roy Ross, called the
meeting to order at 10:14 a.m.
II. Welcome
Janet Magruder welcomed everyone
to the UMBC campus. Tim Ford explained that Dr. Freeman Hrabrowski, President
of UMBC, would be unable to attend due to giving testimony in Annapolis.
Roy Ross welcomed everyone and our
guests introduced themselves. Roy welcomed back Sandy Ratke after a lengthy
illness. Roy also commented that he found it interesting that the employees on
campus call Dr. Hrabrowski by his first name - a strong testament to the
employee / management relationship at the UMBC institution.
III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the January 30,
2001 Council Meeting were accepted with the noted corrections.
IV. Report from the Chair
Roy Ross started his report with
the Chancellors Council meeting of February 5th. He reported that
there was nothing of importance to the Council.
The Board of Regents meeting was
held February 9th at University College and there was a lengthy discussion
among the Regents about collective bargaining. The Regents took a vote on
whether to support collective bargaining. Roy reported that the vote was 8
for, 4 abstaining, and 5 not present. Roy asked whether an impact study had
been conducted with peer institutions and Regent Chapman stated that it had
not. It was mentioned that amendments will be proposed so that the vote will
be an institution by institution vote.
At this point Craig Weidemann,
Provost for Professional Development & Training at UMBC arrived to welcome
the Council. Mr. Weidemann spoke about the excitement being generated around
their campus because of the $30 million in construction that is being
conducted. This year they have the brightest, largest freshman class ever. The
institutions' grants should top $70 million this year. He went on to mention
that the Staff make important contributions - they may be the things you don't
readily see, but they are important nonetheless.
Roy Ross then proceeded to update
us on the collective bargaining issue. There will be a joint hearing with the
Finance and Budget & Taxation committees on March 1, 2001. This is not a
normal occurrence. The message we're receiving is that collective bargaining
is an expensive proposition and because of this Budget & Taxation will be
raising different kinds of questions.
Also interesting is the Tuition
Waiver bill, House Bill 336. The issues with this bill are the fiscal note
(institutions feel it's too high), available class space, and age criteria
for dependents. Members of the Council also stated that we had no notice of
this bill at all and are concerned that the communication avenues are not
functioning properly. Donald Tynes just happened to be in Annapolis the day
this bill was heard and Dr. T.J. Bryan from Academic Affairs testified for the
System. It was requested that CUSS be added to the reflector group for
legislative issues. Craig Newman passed out copies of the bill for the Council's
use and was asking for the Council's endorsement for the bill. Discussion
about this was:
Craig Newman: We could take a
general vote in favor of supporting tuition remission.
Starrla Levine: Is concerned that
non-system schools (i.e., Morgan and St. Mary's) would receive tuition
remission without any of the responsibilities.
Richard Rose: Morgan and St. Mary's
could get more from this legislation than we would. He thinks the
Communications Committee should do some research so that we don't get taken
by surprise.
Tim Ford: We should make a
decision one way or the other quickly. We should make a statement about the
fact that we were not included in the discussions.
Richard Rose: Suggested that he
will set up an automated system that will inform the Council about bills we
should be concerned with.
Rosario van Daalen: Explained that
the Legislative office is understaffed: Frank Komenda is in his last session
with the System as he'll be retiring at the end of the year, Janet Bacon is
brand new, and there is one Administrative Assistant for their office.
Fran Younger: It would be great if
this legislation went through. UMCES at Solomons employees would be able to
attend at St. Mary's, which is much closer than any USM institution.
Roy Ross: Would like the
Communication Committee to present the Council with any amendments to the
It was decided that when the
amendments are known, they would be sent to the Council and we will then take
an e-mail vote as to the position we will take.
V. Report from USM Liaisons
Donald Tynes let us know that the
Optional Retirement Program was heard. Both Donald and Rosario van Daalen
testified. There were no questions from the legislators. Morgan, St. Mary's
and Baltimore City Community College are all in support of the legislation.
There are three new Regents.
Patricia Florestano the former Secretary of the Higher Education Commission,
Jim Rosapepe, a former Representative from Prince George's County, and Bruce
The Contingent Policy (Policy
VII-1.40) was approved by the Board of Regents February 9, 2001. It includes
Jury Duty leave. The policy is very prescriptive regarding the conversion of
Contingent II employees after two years. The period of completion for these
conversions is February 9, 2001 until February 9, 2004 - a period of three
years. Two years of continuous service must be completed before conversion is
mandatory. If service is continuous, service credit will be given. This is not
included for purposes of retirement, just seniority and leave.
The Domestic Partners issue was
raised again at the Chancellor's Council by the Diversity Network, made up
of EEO representatives from all the institutions. The question of whether to
revisit this issue was raised. This was a large issue the last time it was
looked at. At the first level, an institutional level, we are looking at
library and wellness center privileges. At the second level, a systemwide
level, we are looking at tuition remission for example. Third level is the
heath benefit issue, which is raised at the State.
Returning to House Bill 336,
Richard Rose was able to print out the bill. It was read to the Council (a 15
line bill). It was decided that we still need to see the amendments in order
to make an informed decision. Richard called Janet Bacon and she told him no
amendments have been filed yet. She will check and get back to us. Delegate
Turner has been putting pressure on the System to put something in writing.
Janet went on to say that Morgan State has not testified and that St. Mary's
was less than enthusiastic.
Roy Ross, before breaking for
lunch, asked everyone to join him in wishing Rosario van Daalen a very happy
VI. Lunch
V. Committee Reports
They will continue to monitor
Legislative issues that involve the USM.
They are looking into enhancements
to the Building Excellence through Staff Training program (B.E.S.T), possibly
professional development by providing tuition remission for non-credit classes
taken on campus.
They still need the report on
merit pay from Donald Tynes. They hope to have it soon.
Community Development
The Board of Regents' Staff
Awards are due to Roy Ross by March 1, 2001. We have a number of institutions
that haven't done anything with regard to submitting the nominees yet. The
CUSS Representatives need to be proactive with their institutions. The
sub-committees are being put together. We are also looking into guidelines for
rating the packages so that they will be looked at objectively.
Discussion involved whether or not
to give an extension with so many schools having no submissions. It was
decided since the information packets had been mailed to the Presidents before
Thanksgiving that we should stick to the March 1 deadline. The Council granted
Roy executive decision on whether or not to include late arriving packets.
VIII. Old Business
There was no old business.
IX. New Business
There was no new business that
wasn't already covered.
X. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35
p.m. The next CUSS meeting will be held at UMUC on March 27, 2001.