Committees and Officers
2024-2025 Council Leadership & Campus Points of Contact
- Executive Committee
- Awards & Outreach Committee
- Legislative Affairs & Policy Committee
- Staff Resources & Special Projects Committee
The Chair presides at all meetings of the Council and is responsible for supervision
and execution of its business, and initiation of an annual goals statement. They serve as
the chief liaison between the Council, the Chancellor, and the Board of Regents. They, or
a designated alternate, attend all Chancellor's Council meetings, all Board of Regents meetings,
and any other USM meeting where Staff employee representation is requested.
The Vice-Chair serves in the absence of the Chair and shall be responsible for other
duties as assigned by the Council and/or Executive Committee.
The Secretary or Co-Secretaries keep the minutes and records of the Council and assume
other duties as delegated by the Chair and/or the Executive Committee. Meetings may be recorded
The Immediate Past Chair serves as staff advisor to the Board of Regents for a period
of not more than one year and shall continue to report back to the Council on Board activities.
If the Immediate Past Chair is unable to serve, a designee of the Council shall serve in this