Archived Conference Presentations
Growing by Degrees: Maryland's College Attainment Agenda
Erin Knepler, Dewayne Morgan, Nancy Shapiro
AAC&U Conference
San Francisco, CA January 26-28, 2011
MADE-CLEAR Grant (Poster)
Lynn Harbinson, Nancy Shapiro
Washington, D.C.
February 28-March 2, 2011
The MADE-CLEAR (Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education, Assessment and Research)
Project participated in the poster session at the Climate Change Education Partnership
(CCEP) Program PI meeting at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. The poster
session featured posters from the 2009 and 2010 CCEP projects, which focused on climate
change education for K-12 education, higher education and informal education.
Creating a sustainable professional network of K-16 science faculty
David May, Nancy Shapiro
AAC&U Conference
Miami, FL
March 24-26, 2011
This poster presents the results of social network analysis (SNA) undertaken by the
presenter to characterize the professional collaboration among participants of a
large-scale K-16 partnership program in science. The participants were primarily
high-school teachers and higher education faculty, and the study focused on three
qualitative measures by which to examine the program's evolving collaborative
structure-the emergence of new professional connections, the extent to which
the network was sustained after the program ended, and the role of program
leadership in integrating network participants. The study examined four core
program-related areas-inquiry-based teaching and learning, mentoring relationships,
exposing undergraduates to science teaching as a career option, and planning and
managing program activities. The findings provide evidence that a professional
network of teachers can be substantially sustained beyond the end of funded
grant activities. This poster will help broaden participants' understanding
of how to foster, strengthen, and evaluate networks of sustained collaboration
among science faculty on issues of teaching and learning.
Creating a sustainable professional network of K-16 science faculty
David May, Nancy Shapiro
AERA Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
April 7-12, 2011
This poster presents the results of social network analysis (SNA) undertaken by the
presenter to characterize the professional collaboration among participants of a
large-scale K-16 partnership program in science. The participants were primarily
high-school teachers and higher education faculty, and the study focused on three
qualitative measures by which to examine the program's evolving collaborative
structure-the emergence of new professional connections, the extent to which the
network was sustained after the program ended, and the role of program leadership
in integrating network participants. The study examined four core program-related
areas-inquiry-based teaching and learning, mentoring relationships, exposing
undergraduates to science teaching as a career option, and planning and managing
program activities. The findings provide evidence that a professional network of
teachers can be substantially sustained beyond the end of funded grant activities.
This poster will help broaden participants' understanding of how to foster, strengthen,
and evaluate networks of sustained collaboration among science faculty on issues of
teaching and learning.
State Factors Affecting the Production of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Degrees
Erin Knepler
AERA Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
April 7-12, 2011
There is growing concern that the United States is not producing a sufficient number
of graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (Kuenzi,
Matthews, & Mangan, 2006; Chen & Weko, 2009). The purpose of this study is to explore
how states contribute to the production of STEM degrees. This study suggests that
unobservable state policy components such as STEM-related K-12 curricula, pre-college
requirements, and special programs focusing on and generating interest in STEM fields
may warrant further investigation as they relate to state STEM degree production.
Keywords: degree production, state factors, science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM).
Preparing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Teachers: The
Pipeline for Future Innovation
Jennifer Frank, Erin Knepler, Dewayne Morgan
AERA Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
April 7-12, 2011
This roundtable paper group focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) teacher preparation. The importance on STEM content knowledge is of critical
importance in some of the grouped papers. Alternative teacher certification is explored
in one paper. The role of technology in instructional practices is explored in the papers.
Reflective practice as part of teacher development is also presented. STEM content
integration is of focus in the group of the papers.
Faculty grassroots leadership in science education reform
Jennifer Frank, David May, Nancy Shapiro, Danielle Susskind
AERA Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
April 7-12, 2011
This paper presents four case studies of faculty grassroots leadership in a science
education partnership involving multiple higher education institutions and a K-12
school system in which top down and grassroots leaders work in concert to create
change, a relatively unexplored area. While we know a great deal about top down
change efforts, we know much less about top down efforts merging with grassroots
efforts within institutions and organizations. While faculty leaders exist on every
campus, our findings suggest that they are influenced both by campus culture and
the degree of support or involvement from higher levels of administration.
Can We Talk? Strategies for Using Evaluation as a Vehicle for Greater P-20
Partnership Cooperation and Collaboration (Roundtable)
Erin Knepler, Felicia Martin, Dewayne Morgan,
AEA Conference
Anaheim, CA
November 1-5, 2011
This roundtable presentation will engage participants in a discussion about the
opportunities associated with using evaluation as a mode for improving partnership
collaboration. Presenters include both the evaluator for the project but also school
and higher education managers. Presenters will use their diverse set of experiences
and qualifications to offer examples for making evaluation examinations and findings
relevant to broader education policy and practice, while attending to the expectations
from their constituencies.
Faculty grassroots leadership in science education reform: Institutional change
and culture in the context of increased national emphasis on STEM (Roundtable)
Jennifer Frank, David May, Nancy Shapiro, Danielle Susskind
ASHE Conference
Charlotte, NC
November 15-18, 2011
This roundtable discussion was about four case studies of faculty grassroots leadership
in a science education partnership involving multiple higher education institutions and
a K-12 school system in which top down and grassroots leaders work in concert to create
change, a relatively unexplored area. While we know a great deal about top down change
efforts, we know much less about top down efforts merging with grassroots efforts within
institutions and organizations. While faculty leaders exist on every campus, our findings
suggest that they are influenced both by campus culture and the degree of support or
involvement from higher levels of administration.
The Intersection of Higher Education and P-20 Councils: How Practice became Policy in One State
Erin Knepler, Dewayne Morgan, Nancy Shapiro, Danielle Susskind
ASHE Conference
Charlotte, NC
November 15-18, 2011
In this study, we seek to understand how structure affects the coordination of state-level
education decisions. We explored the evolution of Maryland's once voluntary K-16 (education)
Council to a legislatively mandated P-20 Council. Specifically, authors analyzed the
council's role in shaping Maryland's education agenda as well as how partnership practices
and organizational structures influenced the council's work. The project is a qualitative
case study, driven by the following research questions:
1. What is the history/timeline of Maryland's K-16/P-20 Council?
2. What is the role of the structure?
3. How does the structure of Maryland's K-16/P-20 Council affect the coordination of
state-level education decisions?
Examining Undergraduate STEM Degree Production across States: A Panel Data Analysis
Erin Knepler
ASHE Conference
Charlotte, NC
November 15-18, 2011
The purpose of this study is to explore how undergraduate STEM degree production within
a state is influenced by state characteristics. Increasing STEM degree production
throughout the U.S. may increase our global competitiveness and has the potential
to better position the United States to once again become a global leader in the
STEM-based research and economic development infrastructure. Furthermore, such
changes may enhance productivity in research and development (R&D) activity thereby
leading to more economic growth and job creation.
Best and Brightest: Understanding the Challenges of Teaching and Undergraduate Learning
in STEM Teaching Fields
Erin Knepler, Nathan E. Lassila, Nancy Shapiro
ASHE Conference
Charlotte, NC
November 15-18, 2011
The U.S. is experiencing a crisis of confidence in our economic global competitiveness
leading to increased pressure for greater accountability throughout the entire P-20
educational system, particularly in science and mathematics (Kuenzi, Matthews, & Mangan,
2006; Chen & Weko, 2009). America's competitive edge in the global economy, the strength
and versatility of its labor force, its capacity to nourish research and innovation - all
are increasingly dependent on an education system capable of producing a steady supply of
young people well prepared in science and math (National Science Board, 2006). This
research will use a National Science Foundation-Math Science Partnership funded project
to uncover some of the mystery around undergraduate STEM students' perceptions of teaching
as a career option.
Transformational Transfer Templates: More Juice for the Squeeze
Nancy Shapiro, Jennifer Frank, Ben Passmore & Sue Blanshan (MHEC)
Association of American Colleges & Universities Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C., January 21, 2010
Strengthening the Early-College Minority Student Pipeline in Science with a Multi-Faceted Program
Christine Barrow, Anisha Campbell, Elaine Davis, Bruce Katz, David May
MSP Learning Network Conference
Washington, D.C., January 25, 2010
Institutional Change and Sustainability: Lessons Learned from MSPSs: CASHE KMD Project
Nancy Shapiro & Jennifer Frank
MSP Learning Network Conference
Washington, D.C., January 25, 2010
Simplifying the Complex: Creating Transparent Evaluation in Multi-institutional Education Partnerships
Dewayne Morgan, Susan Tucker, & Danielle Susskind
University System of Maryland
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association
San Antonio, Texas
November 11, 2010
Change in Sustainability in Higher Education (CASHE): NSF MSP Program
Working Paper
Nancy Shapiro, Jennifer Frank, Danielle Susskind, Joan Donahue, Erin Knepler
Association for the Study of Higher Education 2010 Annual Conference
Indiana, IN, November 18 - 20, 2010
Master Graduate Teaching Fellows: An Evaluation of One Research University's Pilot Program to Improve STEM Teaching and Learning
Working Paper
David May, Jennifer Frank, & Susan Bilek
University System of Maryland
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
San Diego, California
April 15, 2009
Key Connections: The Role of Teachers and Parents in College Access among Underrepresented Urban Youth
NCAN Annual Conference
San Francisco, CA
September 16, 2009
Lynn Harbinson, Project Manager, E=mc2 Partnership
Dewayne Morgan, Research Analyst
University System of Maryland
USM K-16 Framework: Opportunities for New Faculty Identities
Making the walls between campus and community more permeable
American Association of Colleges and Universities
Faculty Work and The New Academy
Presenters: Lynn Harbinson, E=mc2 Project Manager
Dewayne Morgan Research Analyst
Danielle Susskind, Research Associate
When multi-university partnering works: The University System of Maryland experience with Two TQE grants
Susan Tucker, Evaluation & Development Associates LLC
Dewayne Morgan, University System of Maryland
The Role of University Systems in P-20 Partnership Development and Implementation
Lynn Harbinson
Dewayne Morgan
Jennifer Frank
Office of Academic Affairs
University System of Maryland
From Sea to Shining Sea: Evaluating Title II TQE Partnership Strategies to Ensure Quality
Susan Ann Tucker, Evaluation & Development Associates LLC
Nancy Shapiro, University System of Maryland
Letitia H. Fickel, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Shirley Lal, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Roy Weaver, Ball State University
Tomas Morales, College of Staten Island
Master Graduate Teaching Fellows: A Pilot to Improve Science Teaching
VIP K-16 Math Science Partnership
Jennifer Frank, David May, Nancy Shapiro
University System of Maryland
Spencer Benson, Sue Bilek
University of Maryland, College Park
Inquiry-based Curriculum Reform from Faculty Learning Communities
Nancy Shapiro and David May, University System of Maryland
Philip Sokolove, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Science teacher professional development through a large-scale, high-school and university partnership
David May
University System of Maryland
Creating a sustainable professional network of K-16 science faculty
David May and Nancy Shapiro
University System of Maryland
Basmat Parsad and Joy Frechtling
2008 NSF MSP Learning Network Conference
STEM Faculty Engagement in P-20 Partnerships: A Conflict of Interest?
American Association of Colleges and Universities
Faculty Work and The New Academy
Presenters: Lynn Harbinson, E=mc2 Project Manager
Dewayne Morgan, Research Analyst
Danielle Susskind, P-20 Program Specialist
Other Authors: Nancy Shapiro, Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
Jennifer Frank, P-20 Partnership Project Evaluator
David May, P-20 Partnership Project Manager
University System of Maryland
P-20 and State Systems Strategies for Access, Movement, and Achievement
Hillary Fuhrman
Research Associate- Academic Affairs
Missouri Department of Higher Education
Nancy N. Shapiro
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
University System of Maryland
Danielle Susskind
P-20 Program Specialist
University System of Maryland
John T. Wolfe, Jr.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
University System of Maryland
If We Build It, Will They Come?
The Case for Structural Change to Support STEM Education Reform
Association of American Colleges & Universities
Annual Meeting
January 25, 2008
Nancy Shapiro & Jennifer Frank
University System of Maryland
Education Equals Mentoring, Coaching, and Cohorts
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
2008 Annual Conference
New Orleans, LA
March 17, 2008
Presenters: Deborah Clay (IST)
Patricia Vest (IST)
James Lindsay (Coordinator)
Lynn Harbinson (Project Manager)
Dewayne Morgan (Research Analyst)
Achievement Initiative for Maryland's Minority Students (AIMMS): Recruiting and Retaining Under-represented Minority Teachers
Nancy S. Shapiro
University System of Maryland
October 20, 2008
Faculty Engagement in Partnership Work
Nancy S. Shapiro
University System of Maryland
AACU 2007
Networking Among VIP K16 Participants
Basmat Parsad, Joy Frechtling
David May, Nancy Shapiro
University System of Maryland (USM)
January 2007
Transforming Faculty Roles and Reward Systems in MSPs into Sustainable
Practice in Higher Education, National Science Foundation Learning Network Conference
Washington, DC
January 2007
J. Frank & N. Shapiro
Studying Higher Education Change and Sustainability Efforts in the Context of
K-16 Partnerships
American Educational Research Association
Nancy Shapiro, Jennifer Frank, and Danielle Susskind
University System of Maryland
April 12, 2007
Avoiding Expensive Mistakes: Moving toward learner-centered teaching
Nancy S. Shapiro
University System of Maryland
April 9, 2007
A Resources Interpretation of Teachers' Epistemologies of Science
Sandra Honda, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
David B. May, University System of Maryland
Connecting the Teacher Pipeline
Creating the Associate of Arts of Teaching Degree (AAT)
Nancy S. Shapiro
University System of Maryland
AACTE 2005
The 3 R's to Maximizing Partnership Potential at USM Institutions: retooling, refocusing, and recommitting
Presenters: Michael Bowden, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dewayne Morgan, J.D., Research Analyst, Office of Academic Affairs
Black Faculty and Staff Association Annual Conference
University of Maryland, College Park Stamp Student Union Building Colony Ballroom
Thursday, May 27, 2004
A Conversation About Partnerships: Realities and Strategies of Grants Management
Teacher Quality Enhancement
Project Directors Meeting
Developing and Strengthening Collaborative Partnerships:
Lessons Learned
November 15-18, 2004
Phoenix, Arizona
Emerging Roles for Community Colleges in Teacher Preparation: The State of
Maryland's Experience with the Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Degree
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
February 2004
J. Fank, E. Little, N. Shapiro, & D. Wiseman
When Students Cross Boundaries, Teachers Cross Boundaries: Transferring
General Education Outcomes Between Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges
American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) National Conference
Chicago, IL
March 2002, J. Frank, D. Morgan & N. Shapiro
Statewide Survey of General Education: The Maryland Story, University System
of Maryland General Education and Chairpersons' Conference
Adelphi, MD
November 2001
J. Frank, M. Finkelstein & R. Shoenberg