Council of University System Faculty
CUSF Executive Committee Meeting of March 6, 2006
CUSF Executive Committee Meeting
March 6, 2006
USM Office, IVN Room
Present: Martha Siegel (Chair); E.W. Chapin (Vice Chair); John Collins
(Secretary); Vincent Brannigan (At-Large); John McMullen (At-Large, via IVN).
Guests: James Sansbury (Associate Vice Chancellor, Financial Affairs, USM);
Lee Richardson (Past Chair); A. DeLoris James (UMUC).
Dr. Siegel called the meeting to order at 12:40pm. She introduced James
Sansbury, whom she had invited to talk with the group about tuition remission
for employees of the USM campuses. This is an important benefit for everyone,
both faculty and staff. Any proposed changes in this benefit should be reviewed
by CUSF, before they are acted on by the Regents. There is concern about changes
in benefits which may result from changes in IRS rules, but Mr. Sansbury said
that this would not happen. Dr. Brannigan took issue with this statement and a
lively dialog ensued. The major problem is the definition of qualifying
dependents under IRS rules. This is a complicated issue. It was agreed that Mr.
Sansbury would work with CUSF (and possibly CUSS) to quietly work out the new
policy. He assured the group that USM has no intention to reduce tuition
remission benefits. The group thanked Mr. Sansbury and he left the meeting at
Chair’s Report:
1. Dr. Siegel went to today’s Chancellor’s Council meeting. Much of the
discussion was on HB1634, which mandates parity in academic programs. This is an
issue of particular concern to USM campuses which are located within a
thirty-five-mile radius of Morgan State University.
2. Money has been budgeted on the campuses for a large number of students who
have yet to be identified. There will probably be bigger classes, increased
teaching loads and a greater number of unprepared students. Campus presidents
are under pressure to recruit new students.
3. It appears that $19 million in "found money," arising from a
decreased number of prescriptions filled by USM employees, may be used to fund a
tuition freeze for 06-07. This could have disastrous effects in future years.
4. Dr. Siegel reported that she had presented the CUSF merit pay statement to
the campus presidents. The presidents listened, but had no comments or
5. Dr. Siegel encouraged everyone to look at bills pending before the General
Assembly and consider testifying at legislative hearings. The pending Reading
Legislation is one of the more significant bills.
7.Dr. Siegel said that she had invited Donald. Spicer, Associate
Vice-Chancellor for Information Technology and USM Chief Information Officer, to
the March 13 CUSF meeting to speak about the Online Learning Strategic Plan.
Marci McClive (FSU) and DeLoris James have worked on the USM committee on
distance education. Online teaching will be needed to help with the influx of
new students, since there will be a shortage of classroom space. Faculty should
have a say in how distance learning is carried out
The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:00pm.