Council of University System Faculty
2002-2003 Executive Committee Meetings
Executive Committee Meeting – CUSF - February 3, 2003 - USM Office
Present: Drs. Alt (TU),
Brannigan (UMCP), Bryce (USM Government Relations) Chapin (Past-Chair), Collins
(UMBI), Gibson (UB), Huseonica (UMUC), Kirwan (USM Chancellor), McClive (FSU),
Noonan (UMES), Parker (Chair), Richardson (UB), Robertson (USM Academic
Affairs), Shapiro (USM Academic Affairs), Siegel (TU)
- CUSF Meeting at UMBI with Governor Ehrlich February 17, 2003
- Timeframe around the first hour of the CUSF meeting.
- Suggestions:
It will be important for CUSF to help the
Governor understand who we are. Officially, 3 things we do:
1. Report to the BOR;
2. Advise the Chancellor;
3. Provide leadership on our campuses.
CUSF wants to complement what the Presidents
are saying, however, the faculty have a different viewpoint. Not dissimilar,
CUSF wants to be part of the solution and
not part of the problem.
Chancellor Kirwan discussed opportunities for CUSF to showcase how the state can
- Biotechnology/Biosciences (we can become
a center) - Homeland security (it will be dependent on the private and public
sector) we can be an economic engine - Workforce (400,000 retirements by the
year 2010) we need to train up and coming workers to accommodate - The
economic side of things will carry a lot of weight with the Governor.
Suggestions from Associate Vice
Chancellor Bryce, Shapiro, Robertson and Chancellor Kirwan:
- It would be a good idea to reinforce the priority of higher education.
- Momentum issue most of us have felt the momentum and the increase in our
ability to deliver education more effectively. We do not want this to
reverse. Students in the state see the USM as better. Concerned about the
momentum issue
(30% of the general fund cut was given to
higher education). We have come so far and have built such quality at our
higher education institutions. We need to talk about our students!
- Remind the Governor that he wants to leave a legacy (e.g., wants to
leave the state with jobs, prosperity and to do so we need to convey that
higher education is paramount in delivering that.
- High tech is important; biotechnology and the bio sciences are
- The continuum of K-16 issues. We are the engine that drives the K-12
community. Acknowledgement of connection with K-12 education issues.
- Civic-engagement message we educate our students to become engaged in
civics. (Service)
- Governor has made a commitment to funding the Thornton commission. How
can the state create a policy construct with increasing numbers of
students in higher education and reduction of resources?
- We need to sell ourselves!!!!
We need to make the point that we have
been cut deeper than other state agencies, but that we want to keep our
services both affordable and accessible.
- Given the nature of the economy, what drives it and the quality of life
Higher education creates an enormous value to the state of Maryland.
Chancellor Kirwan suggested that we
come up with 4 or 5 themed messages:
Themes (and suggested individuals to speak about each
Affordability and accessibility - Art Huseonica
Workforce Training - Marci McClive
Biotechnology/biosciences - John Collins
Students, students, students - Vince Brannigan
- K-16 Issues Martha Siegel
- Civics Memo Diriker
- Appointment of Regents Bill Chapin
- Business/Economic Development Lee Richardson (How can Maryland shine),
Frank Alt
It was also suggested that this meeting is
one for us to assist the governor and help him realize his vision of Maryland.
We need to hear from him what his priorities are in terms of higher education.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm
Executive Committee Meeting – CUSF - March 3, 2003 - USM Office
No minutes exist for this meeting. The
attendance was not recorded. Among the items discussed were plans for the
upcoming CUSF elections, the agenda for the March 18 CUSF general meeting, and
strategies for handling issues related to the USM budget crisis.