Preliminary Assignments for CUSF Committees:
Legislative Affairs – Memo Diriker,
SU; Lee Richardson, UB; Rosemary Jagus, UMBI;
Faculty Affairs – Pam Alreck, SU;
Stephanie Gibson, UB; Sharon Siegel, UMB; Steve Havas, UMB; Zane Berge, UMBC;
Vince Brannigan, UMCP; Frank Alt, UMCP
Academic Affairs – Marci McClive,
FSU; Martha Siegel, TU; Caroline Burry, UMB; Keith Olson, UMCP; Brigid Noonan,
Administrative/Finance – John Organ,
BSU; Pat Alt, TU; Ron Chenette, UMB; Anthony Norcio, UMBC; Carl Smith, UMCP;
David Spinner, UMES
Membership/Rules – Alcott Arthur,
CSC; Barbara Laufer, TU; James Gelatt, UMUC
Issues Discussed
- How
does each campus define “adjunct” – particularly in terms of payroll
- Collective
Bargaining is an issue that we need to address this year at CUSF.
- Vice
Chancellor of Academic Affairs – another issue that CUSF needs to
- Associate
Vice Chancellor for Government Relations – the Chancellor said that this
is a position that he is interested in filling first b/c there has been a
- Women
as Supervisors – How many women in line administrative positions in USM?
Drs. Robertson and Shapiro will begin to look for numbers.
Other Outside Meetings
K-16 Workgroup – Dr. Brigid
AAAC – Dr. John Collins
BOR – Full Board Meetings – Dr.
David Parker will be attending
Finance – Drs. Carl Smith or Ron
Educational Policy – 5 meetings
– (September, November, January, March, June) – Can Dr. Martha Siegel attend
UMATS – Telecommunications –
Dr. Bill Chapin (4 slots)