USM National Green Campus
News Archive
of January 21, 2013
from Across the USM Campuses
Jan. 29th - "Sustainability
and the College Park Campus" presented by VP Robert Specter, UM Vice President
for Administrative Affairs, and Scott Lupin, Director, UM Sustainability Office.
This event is co-sponsored by the University Office of Sustainability, and ARCH
289i: Sustainability and the University of Maryland, Ralph Bennett, Professor
(Emeritus), Instructor. The talk will be held at The School of Architecture,
Planning and Preservation's auditorium at 4:30pm.
Jan. 30th - Dr. Cindy
Palinkas, HPL, "Sediment
dynamics in Chesapeake Bay intertidal and fluvial-estuarine environments."
This lecture is a part of the Spring CBL Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series -
2013 at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. Seminar will be held on Wednesday
at 3:30 p.m., BFL 1101. 1-16-13:
Bottle Deposit Law Debated in Maryland (Reported by Tom Pelton, NPY/WYPR -
The Environment in Focus, 1/16/12)
of Maryland News
Jackson calls Bay cleanup role "one of prouder moments": Though
challenges remain, departing EPA chief says Chesapeake improving under Obama
leadership (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/19/13)
finds Bay contaminants widespread, severe in spots: Environmental, health advocates
call for legislative action (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More
Green Blog, 1/18/13)
contest promotes "green" row home: "Carbon challenge"
offers prizes for using more wood in classic Baltimore dwelling (By Tim
Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/15/13)
and International News
inaugurates renewed energy on climate change: That the president put climate
change so high on his second-term agenda surprised many. But action must follow
words (By Sarah van Gelder, The [UK] Guardian, 1/21/13)
USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative
Gives Climate Goals Center Stage (By Richard W. Stevenson and John M.
Broder, The New York Times, 1/21/13)
Science Chair's First Action Is To Hold A Climate Change Denier Hearing (By
Rebecca Leber, - Climate Progress Blog, 1/18/13)
water lows for Great Lakes could drain local economies (By Mike Pearson,
CNN - U.S., 1/17/13)
Study Finds
Severe Climate Jeopardizing Amazon Forest (NASA - Feature, 1/17/13)
NASA Satellite Images
Reveal Dramatic Increase in Air Pollution Over China (By Allison Winter,
Environmental News Network, 1/16/13)a