USM National Green Campus
News Archive
of November 19, 2012
from Across the USM Campuses
Nov. 26th - Kill
a Watt: An Energy Assessment How-To - Want to save energy and money at work
and home? Susan Carroll, of the Baltimore Energy Challenge and the Baltimore
Office of Sustainability, has a few ideas. Join us for Kill a Watt: An Energy
Assessment How-To and start saving! This event will be held from 12-1pm in the
SMC Campus Center Green Room, in the campus of University of Maryland,
Nov. 28th - Seminar: The
Accuracy of Self-Reported Pollution Data: Evidence from the Clean Water Act,
Jay Shimshack, Tulane University. This lecture is a part of the Agricultural
and Research Economics Seminar Series. It will be held from 2 - 3pm in Symons
Hall, Rm. 3121, on the University of Maryland, College Park campus.
Dec. 1st - First Annual Symposium On Environmental
Justice And Environmental Health Disparities In Maryland And DC. The
Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health and the Community
Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health (CEEJH) lab are pleased to
announce "First Annual Symposium on Environmental Justice and
Environmental Health Disparities in Maryland and Washington, DC". The
Symposium will be held on Saturday December 1, 2012, 9:00am to 4:00pm; at the
Adele H. Stamp Student Union Building at University of Maryland, College Park,
of Maryland News
Nov. 20th - CAMEL
Climate Change Continuing Education Symposium - "Climate Change Geoengineering" -
Wil Burns, Associate Director, Master of
Science, Energy Policy and Climate Program at Johns Hopkins University.
Presenter will discuss a teaching resource and how to use it. The resources are
designed for upper level education, but some may be modified for other levels
or incorporated into hybrid teaching.
The resources are found on the CAMEL (Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
E-learning) site. There is no charge for this event. Event will
be held at 3pm, eastern time. NCSE will provide a Digital Badge of
participation to registered faculty members.
Named Director of MDE Science Services (Maryland Department of the
Environment, Press Release, 11/14/12)
of Public Works Approves Grant for Clean Water and the Chesapeake Bay Grant Will Reduce Nutrient and Sediment
Pollution, Improve Wetlands (Maryland Department of the Environment, Press
Release, 11/14/12)
and International News
secret fracking war: It might not get as much media attention as the conflict
in Afghanistan, but its stakes could be infinitely higher (By Ellen
Cantarow, as reported by, 11/19/12)
Bank Climate Change Report Says 'Turn Down The Heat' On Warming Planet *
Poorest regions hit hardest * World Bank focuses on climate change under new
chief * Must balance climate change with energy needs of poor (By Anna
Yukhananov, Reuters as reported by The Huffington Post - Green Blog, 11/18/12) Download
complete report
Thousands Surround
Obama's White House: 'Stop Keystone XL!' (By Common Dreams staff,, 11/18/12)
President Obama should keep his promise to tackle climate change (By Lisa
Curtis,, 11/17/12)
fined $4.5bn for Deepwater Horizon oil spill: US attorney general Eric Holder
says BP will pay $4.5bn (£2.8bn) over the fatal explosion of its rig and the
catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. On Thursday the
company admitted guilt on 14 criminal charges. Two BP officials will also face
charges of manslaughter and of negligence in supervising the pressure tests on
the well (By Reuters as reported by The [UK] Guardian, 11/16/12) [VIDEO]