USM National Green Campus
News Archive
Week of August 30, 2010
News from Across the USM Campuses
Knight Hall Certified as First University-Owned
"LEED Gold" Green Building at University of Maryland College Park (By Development, Deadline - News from the Merrill College, 8/27/10)
University of Baltimore breaks ground on law
center: 190,000-square-foot
building will include environmentally friendly components (By Liz F. Kay, The Baltimore Sun, 8/26/10)
University of Baltimore to begin work on $107M law building (By Emily Mullin, Baltimore Business Journal, 8/25/10)
Mtech Bioprocess Scale-Up Facility to Double in Staff and Size, Expand
to Shady Grove, Create Pilot Plant for Biofuels in College Park (Maryland Technology Enterprise
Institute as
reported by The Sun Herald, 8/25/10)
Oil-Gobbling Bug Discovery Raises Gulf Hopes -
For Now (By Brandon Keim, Wired
Magazine, 8/24/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore of the University of
Maryland Center for Environmental Science]
State of Maryland News
"Green" racing coming to B'more? (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 8/27/10)
Picture this: Photogs RAVE on the Bay (By Tim
Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 8/26/10)
Midday with Dan Rodricks (Hosted by Dan Rodricks, NPR - Midday,
8/25/10) [Scroll down linked page for the shows for the week of August 23 - August 27 for the podcast on growth and sustainability]
Circulator gains riders, struggles to run on
time: Popularity exceeds
predictions, but the wait is a problem (By Michael Dresser, The Baltimore Sun, 8/25/10)
Military urged to boost bay cleanup efforts: Funding, though, remains 'a work in progress' (By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 8/25/10)
Back River cleanup yields 2,000 tires, 170
tons of debris: Volunteers, minimum-wage
college students worked through the summer (By Mary Gail Hare, The Baltimore Sun, 8/24/10)
National and International News