Board of Regents Votes to Moderate Tuition Increases; Approves FY 2007 Operating Budget
ADELPHI, Md. (January 9, 2006) ---- Most undergraduate students attending University System of Maryland (USM) institutions in the fall 2006 will face the smallest tuition increase since the fall 2002, following last week's Board of Regents meeting. The regents, meeting in public session January 6 at Towson University, overwhelmingly approved a tuition increase limited to 4.5% for full-time, resident undergraduates at a majority of institutions. The annual increase ranges from $193 at Bowie State University (BSU) to $295 at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP).
At two other USM institutions, the tuition increase is even smaller. At Coppin State University (CSU) and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), the annual tuition increase is 3% ($105) and 4% ($164) respectively.
The tuition schedule is one part of USM's $3.7-billion operating budget for FY 2007 approved by the regents on Friday. This amount includes revenue generated not only from tuition and fees, but also from endowment income, contracts and grants, revenue from auxiliary services (budget categories which are self supporting and receive no state funding, such as athletics, student housing, dining halls and shuttle-bus service), and state appropriations.
This year, Governor Robert L. Ehrlich is proposing an increase of more than $100 million in state funding to USM's budget. Board Chairman David Nevins said, "This is an extraordinary budget, one that we are very, very happy with. This budget will carry USM institutions forward in a marvelous way."
USM Chancellor William E. Kirwan said, "It's not only the magnitude of the governor's budget proposal that's so impressive, it's also the exceptionally thoughtful and targeted way the budget has been put together to address important state needs."
The proposed increase would enable USM to:
- allow institutions to meet growing enrollment capacity;
- moderate tuition increases and substantially increase need-based financial aid;
- address critical workforce needs in fields such as teacher education and technology;
- provide additional funding to enhance the state's flagship university--the University of Maryland, College Park;
- build Maryland's capacity for research and education in critical fields such as public health, the biosciences and nano-technology;
- further enhance USM's historically black universities;
- provide seed funding for USM institutions to launch a $1.5 billion-plus fund-raising campaign to build private support.
USM's budget must still be approved by the Maryland General Assembly, which convenes for the 2006 legislative session Wednesday, January 11.
Contact: Liz O'Neill
Phone: 301.445.2719