FY 2009 Operating Budget Request, Capital Projects on Regents' Finance Committee Agenda, Sept. 28
ADELPHI, Md. (September 25, 2007) - The Committee on Finance of
the University System
of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents will meet Friday, September 28,
2007, at the
University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), Saratoga Office Building, 14th
Floor, 220 N. Arch Street, Baltimore. The public meeting will begin at
9:45 a.m. following
the 9:30 a.m. executive session of the committee.
Action items before the
committee include:
USM FY 2009
Operating Budget Request-Current Services Budget;
Authorization for Construction of New UMB Campus Center;
Authorization for Renovation of Three Sorority Houses at University of Maryland, College
In addition, the committee
will review the status of the system's current capital improvement projects.
The Regents are tentatively
scheduled to convene a full board meeting via conference call to vote on the
Operating Budget Request and Increase Authorization for the UMB Campus Center after the committee has concluded its voting.
Background information and
agendas will be available at the meeting. Sign language interpreters and/or
other appropriate accommodations for eligible individuals with disabilities
will be provided upon request. Please call 301.445.2756 (voice) or 301.314.7683
(TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Parking for attendees will be
available in the Saratoga Garage located at Saratoga and Arch Streets. For driving directions and a UMB
map, visit: http://www.umaryland.edu/map.
Contact: John Buettner
Phone: 301.445.2719
Email: jbuettner@usmd.edu