USM Chancellor William Kirwan Receives House of Delegates Speaker's Medallion
Annapolis, Md. (February 15, 2007) - William E. Kirwan, chancellor of the
University System of Maryland (USM), became the 16th recipient of the Maryland
House of Delegates Speaker's Medallion on Thursday, February 15, 2007, during
ceremonies in Annapolis. Presented every year since 1995, the Speaker's
Medallion recognizes Maryland
citizens who have demonstrated exemplary service to the House and to the State
of Maryland.
"I want to take this occasion to express my profound
appreciation to the General Assembly, and most especially this body," Kirwan
said as he accepted the award from House Speaker Michael Busch.
The former
president of the University of Maryland,
College Park (UMCP) from 1988 to 1998, Kirwan has served as USM chancellor
since August 2002.
"I've been in higher education for almost a half a century,"
he added. "I know a lot about universities across the country and the
relationship they have with their legislatures. I know of no system of higher
education that enjoys greater support from its legislature than we do in Maryland.
It is this body that led the way, creating the 1988 charter for higher
education and calling for a system of post secondary education that would be
second to none. Over the years, in good times and bad, you have kept the
promise of that vision alive."
Read Chancellor Kirwan's complete
remarks from the award's ceremony.
Contact: John Buettner
Phone: 301.445.2719