Statement by USM Board of Regents Chair Linda Gooden on the Transition of the Office of USM Chancellor from Robert L. Caret to Jay A. Perman, MD
Baltimore, Md. (Dec. 6, 2019) – The University System of Maryland (USM) is a major resource for the State of Maryland and has developed a national reputation for what a quality state system can achieve by collaborating with state leaders and the business community. This reputation and record of success is due, in large part, to the nationally and internationally recognized institutions that make up the USM—each led by women and men of passion, vision and integrity. However, a significant amount of credit is also due to the innovative leadership provided by its chancellors. Over the last five years, this leadership has been ably provided by Chancellor Robert L. Caret. Jay A. Perman, MD, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, will become chancellor on January 6, 2020.
As we look forward to Jay’s coming tenure, we must take the opportunity to praise and acknowledge Bob’s leadership and many accomplishments. Over the last five years he has greatly increased system enrollment and maintained affordability—the USM now awards more than 75 percent of Maryland's bachelor's degrees, and nearly 60 percent of in-state students graduate with little or no debt. This has been accomplished under Bob’s watch while the USM has become more diverse and inclusive than ever before—nearly 60 percent of the USM’s total enrollment are students of color.
Bob has also expanded the USM’s role as an economic engine for the State of Maryland. USM institutions, faculty, and students now attract nearly $1.5 billion in federal and privately funded research dollars. Technology transfer has been an area of emphasis and the USM is now producing 100 new companies each year. To that end, Bob established the Maryland Momentum Fund, a venture capital fund designed to provide early funding for startup companies born out of USM research. To date, that fund has invested in 10 USM-born startup companies with almost $3 million committed.
Finally, Bob has championed “B-Power,” an initiative that brings together Baltimore City-serving organizations to increase education and career opportunities for the city's students. The city of the future will require a population that is college and/or career ready. He has also made civic engagement, important to our country, a strategic focus for USM as part of his strategic plan for the system.
This record of success sets a high bar for future growth and expansion of the USM. We are grateful for Bob’s dedication, leadership and innovative spirit—and his legacy of success at USM is assured. We wish him well as he moves on to his next challenge.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719