USM Board of Regents Meets December 15
Adelphi, Md. (Dec. 13, 2017) – The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents at its next meeting will hold an educational forum on academic integrity and vote on items recently approved by various board committees.
The meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, December 15, in the Physical Education Complex at Coppin State University, 2500 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD.
The educational forum on academic integrity includes input from MJ Bishop, Ed.D., director of the USM Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, and several academic leaders at USM campuses.
Action items before the board include a charter for the board’s Committee on Organization and Compensation; a M.S. in health and social innovation at the University of Maryland, Baltimore; a property lease at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP); and a title transfer of a Maryland Economic Development Corporation property to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).
The board will hear reports from the chancellor, councils of university system presidents, faculty, staff and students. The final public session item is a vote on whether to reconvene in closed session to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act.
These items include various personnel matters (including presidential reviews), legislative audit matters that are ongoing and, therefore, confidential; a performance plan for a president; collective bargaining negotiations; the acquisition of real property in College Park; and any other items that fall under categories specifically exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act. Background information and the full agenda with supporting materials and the closing statement and are available here.
Sign language interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations for eligible individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call 301.445.2756 (voice) or 301.314.7683 (TTY/ITT) for special arrangements. Information about directions to Coppin State are here and signage will direct attendees to meeting parking.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719