USM Board of Regents Committee on Organization and Compensation Meets November 21
Adelphi, Md. (Nov. 17,
2016) -- The University System of Maryland
(USM) Board of Regents Committee on Organization and Compensation will meet at
8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 21. The meeting will be held in the Chancellor's
Conference Room in the Elkins Building at the USM headquarters, 3300 Metzerott
Road, Adelphi, MD.
In public session, the committee will review
two existing Board of Regents (BOR) policies:
BOR VI-3.00: Policy on Advertising and BOR VI-6.10 Policy on Records
Management and vote on proposed revisions to the latter. The committee will
hear information items on a compensation study and a review of current
processes for presidential assessment, compensation, and recruitment.
The final public session item is a vote
on whether to reconvene in closed session
to discuss matters specifically exempted in the Open Meetings Act from the
requirement for public consideration. Those matters include compensation issues
for a specific USM employee; collective bargaining updates; and an information
update regarding athletics department contracts subject to review under the BOR
VII-10.0 Policy on Board of Regents Review of Certain Contracts and Employment
The agenda for the meeting,
with supporting documents including the closing statement, can be found here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719