New, Earlier Start Time of 10:45 a.m. Set for September 10 Public Session of USM Board of Regents Committee on Finance
Adelphi, Md. (Sept.
9, 2015)
-- The start time for the public session of the University System of Maryland
(USM) Board of Regents Committee on Finance meeting scheduled for Thursday,
September 10 has been moved to 10:45 a.m., reflecting an earlier start than
previously scheduled. The meeting will be held in the Board Room, 14th floor of
the Saratoga Building at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. The building is
located at 220 North Arch Street, Baltimore, MD.
details on the meeting agenda and supporting materials, including an initial public
convening of the committee at 10 a.m. to vote on whether to meet for
approximately 30 minutes in closed session, please click here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719