USM Regents Committee on Finance Meets October 9
Md. (Oct. 7, 2014) -- The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of
Regents Committee on Finance will consider several action items at its next
meeting on Thursday, October 9.
The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the President's Board Room,
14th floor of the Saratoga Office Building at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). The building is located at 220 North Arch Street in Baltimore,
The committee first will vote publicly on whether to reconvene in
closed session. In closed session, the committee would consider an item
specifically exempted in the Open Meetings Act from public consideration. That
item is the acquisition of real property in Princess Anne.
Action items before the committee include an amendment to the USM
policy on student classification for admission and tuition purposes. Recent
passage of federal legislation mandates that, for education programs approved
for qualifying veterans, the public institution in which they enroll must
charge tuition and fees at the same rate as state residents.
The committee also will vote on a funding authorization for the
renovation of the fine arts building at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County (UMBC). The committee will hear a presentation on the facilities master
plan for University of Maryland University College and a report on construction
of academic facilities throughout the USM. The agenda and supporting materials
can be found here.
Sign language interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations
for eligible individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request.
Please call 301.445.2756 (voice) or 301.314.7683 (TTY/ITT) for special
Parking is
available in the Saratoga Garage, also located at 220 North Arch Street in
Baltimore. For driving directions to UMB and a campus map, click here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719