USM Board of Regents Committees on Finance, Economic Development to Meet March 27
Adelphi, Md. (March
25, 2014) -- The University System of Maryland Board of Regents Committee on
Finance and the Committee on Economic Development and Technology Commercialization
will hold separate meetings on Thursday, March 27 at the University of
Baltimore (UB).
The Committee on Finance will convene at 10 a.m. in Room 301
of the Student Center, 21 W. Mt. Royal Avenue in Baltimore, and vote publicly
on whether to reconvene in closed session. In closed session, the committee
would consider the acquisition of real property and a
matter directly related to the contents of a contractual bid proposal.
The committee is scheduled to reconvene in public session at
10:45 a.m., during which it will vote on several action items. Those items
include self-support charges and fees at USM institutions for fiscal year 2015,
renewal of a food services contract at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County (UMBC), and a ground lease pertaining to service of a Verizon Wireless
cell tower at Frostburg State University. Information items before the
committee include a review of capital improvement projects and USM enrollment
projections from 2014-2023. Background information
and the full agenda are available here.
The Committee on Economic
Development and Technology Commercialization will convene at 1 p.m. in the
Bogolmony Room on the 5th floor of the UB Student Center to vote publicly
on whether to reconvene in closed session. In closed session, the committee
would discuss a matter directly related to the contents of a contractual bid
The public session is scheduled to
begin at 1:30 p.m. The committee will hear a presentation regarding Harpoon
Medical, a medical device company commercializing a minimally invasive surgical tool for
mitral valve repair. The technology was developed in the Division of Cardiac
Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Other information
items include an update on economic development bills in the Maryland General
Assembly and a report on new company formation in the USM from July 2013
through December 2013. The agenda and supporting materials are available here.
Sign language interpreters and/or
appropriate accommodations for eligible individuals with disabilities will be
provided upon request. Please call 301.445.1901 (voice) or 301.314.7683
(TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Information about directions and parking options in the UB campus
area can be found here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719