Information Regarding 2012-13 Wilson H. Elkins Professorship Now Available
Deadline Set for May 25, 2012
The University System of Maryland is pleased to make
available to its institutions the Wilson H. Elkins Professorship for use in
Academic Year 2012-2013 (FY2013). The
professorship, which has been in existence for over 25 years, was established
to perpetuate the name and contributions of Wilson H. Elkins, a former Rhodes Scholar
who led the University of Maryland to new levels of distinction, as its
president from 1954 to 1978. Under Dr.
Elkins' leadership, the university grew notably in size, scope, and standing. Information about the professorship and some
recent Elkins Professors is available on the University System of Maryland
homepage at
Income from the endowment for the Elkins
Professorship is intended only to supplement an existing faculty line; the
professorship may be used to recruit an outstanding individual to an
institution to fill a vacancy or to provide special recognition and support to
retain a current outstanding member of the faculty. Appointments to the Elkins Professorship are
ordinarily made for a one-year period; departments may apply for renewal of an
existing Elkins Professorship during the normal application cycle. Institutions that use the professorship to
provide a salary supplement should understand that continued salary supplement
after the professorship period becomes the responsibility of the individual
In an institution's letter applying for the
professorship, please indicate the specific department or program that is
proposing a professorship. Special effort will be made to bestow the award in
those areas where the Elkins Professor will have an opportunity to make an
important contribution to the teaching, research, and public service mission of
the institution and the entire University System of Maryland. Direct involvement with undergraduate and/or
graduate students and outreach to other institutions in the System are hallmarks
of the Elkins Professors. The
Professorship should not be viewed as a reward for maintenance of the status
quo but as an opportunity for the institution to build on its strengths to be of
greater service to its students and to society.
If an institution's application
pertains to a current faculty member, please provide a brief curriculum vitae
as well as a short narrative description of how this individual exemplifies the
excellence an endowed professorship signifies.
If your intent is to use the professorship to recruit an outstanding
scholar to your institution, please indicate the names of individuals who might
be considered for the proposed appointment. Identifying possible candidates in
no way implies any obligation to make the final selection from those
listed. Finally, the letter from your
institution should indicate how the income from the Elkins endowment would be
used (i.e., a general budget listing the amount of proposed salary supplement,
support of a graduate assistant, travel, publication, distinguished lecture
series, etc.) and the proposed time period.
A proposed budget should be based on a maximum annual award of $80,000. The amount of spendable income the endowment generates
will determine how many awards USM can offer for FY 2013.
Institutions are asked to have their letter
of application in to the Office of the Chancellor by May 25, 2012. The USM looks forward to announcing the
appointment of the next Wilson H. Elkins Professors.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719