December 19, 2003
WHEREAS, the University System of Maryland is firmly committed to the
goals of quality, access, and affordability, and;
WHEREAS, the University System of Maryland Board of Regents is the
fiduciary and policy-making body for the 13-institution System, and;
WHEREAS, The University System of Maryland is mandated by the state to
provide high quality education programs accessible to the citizens of Maryland
and to maintain high level research and outreach programs to advance the
quality of life and economic circumstances of all Marylanders, and;
WHEREAS, the State of Maryland's current economic conditions have
resulted in budget reductions that impact the System institutions' ability to
meet these mandates, and;
WHEREAS, as one part of the solution, the Board of Regents may need to
raise tuition to a level that could compromise the System's mandates for
access and affordability, and;
WHEREAS, as part of the long-term solution, the Board of Regents is
reviewing every aspect of the System's operations to identify and pursue
further cost-saving measures, and has committed to making the System a
national model for the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of its
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents calls on Maryland's
state leaders to join the University System of Maryland in a compact to:
Provide an adequate and reliable appropriation of state funds to meet the
state's fair share of higher education costs and the other aspects of the
System's mission, as funds become available;
Ensure affordable and predictable levels of tuition and provide adequate
levels of state and institutional need-based financial aid;
In partnership with the other higher education institutions in the state,
accommodate, to the extent possible, the projected growth in enrollment demand;
Recognize the state's obligation to the Office of Civil Rights agreement,
Empower the System with sufficient management autonomy to optimize the use of
its resources and streamline its administrative operations and;
Hold the University System of Maryland accountable for achieving agreed-upon
cost-saving targets.