Board of Regents to Consider New Tuition Policy
December 3, 2003
Board to Consider New Tuition Policy and
Proposal to Create Business School at Bowie State
Adelphi, MD - The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of
Regents will consider a recommendation to require USM institutions
with undergraduate programs to develop four-year tuition plans.
This recommendation is one of several developed by the University
System of Maryland Tuition and Fee Task Force, appointed by USM
Chancellor William E. Kirwan in October 2002.
The board will consider the task force's final report and
recommendations at its rescheduled public meeting to begin at
9:15 am Friday, December 12. The meeting will be in the Terrace
Lounge of the Student Union, University of Maryland, Baltimore,
621 W. Lombard St.
At the public hearings sponsored by the tuition task force
during the past year, speakers expressed the need for tuition
predictability. Institutional four-year plans would help to
ensure some level of predictability, according to the group's
report. Other task force recommendations include a proposal
to link expected state appropriations and funding guidelines
to enrollment and efficiency targets. Task force members
included students, parents, administrators, and regents.
In other business, the board will consider a proposal to
create a business school at Bowie State University. Currently,
BSU has a Department of Business Administration, Public
Administration and Economics. Elevation of the department
to "school" status will enhance educational
resources for existing and future students in Prince
George's County, according to BSU officials. The proposal
also notes that business programs at the University of
Maryland, College Park, are at capacity. Bowie's new
school "will provide an excellent alternative
resource for students, particularly minority students,
who have the ability to excel . . . but not the opportunity
to attend the University of Maryland, College Park,"
says BSU President Calvin Lowe.
Also at Friday's meeting, the board will present its
annual Regents' University System Staff Awards. These
awards recognize staff members who have made exceptional
contributions to their organizations, students, and their
respective institutions.
Informational items on Friday's board agenda include:
fall 2003 enrollments, quarterly review of capital
improvement projects, and FY 2003 external funding.
The full agenda and background information will be
available at the meeting. The agenda is also available
on line
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eligible individuals with disabilities will be provided
upon request. Please call 301.445.2756 (voice) or
301.314.7683 (TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Anne Moultrie
Phone: 301/445-2722