Board of Regents Raises Tuition by Average of 13 Percent for Fiscal Year 2004
Board of Regents Raises Tuition by Average of 13 Percent for Fiscal Year 2004
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents voted to
raise tuition at the USM institutions by an average of 13 percent
for Fiscal Year 2004 during a special public meeting today.
The increase, which comes in the wake of a series of budget
cuts that has reduced the USM's state appropriation by more
than $120 million since last fall, will generate additional
revenues of about $75 million, of which $12.5 million will
be allocated to financial aid for students.
The increases range from a high of 16 percent (for the
University of Maryland, College Park and Salisbury University)
to a low of 5.5 percent (for the University of Maryland
University College). The rise is coupled to a mid-year
emergency increase of 5 percent that all USM institutions
except Coppin State College and the University of Maryland
University College enacted this past January to offset
earlier cuts to the state appropriation.
Following is a statement issued by USM Chancellor
William E. Kirwan during the meeting:
"The actions the Board will be asked to take
today are intended to address, as best we can, budget
reductions to USM institutions that can only be
described as disproportionate, harmful and short-sighted.
"They are disproportionate because they are
much deeper than cuts assigned to other state
agencies. This time last year, our state appropriation
was $868 million. With the latest spending cut of $40
million, our state appropriation for this year stands
at $746 million. That's a $122 million -- or 14 percent
reduction -- in state support in one year. Funding for
the USM is only 7.5 percent of the General Fund, yet we
have taken almost 20 percent of General Fund cuts. Our
cut is almost three times greater than the average state
agency cut. In addition, the cut is disproportionate in
relation to the way other states have treated higher
education. Two days ago I read a report in the
Chronicle of Higher Education that said the
national average for reductions to higher education
this year is 5 percent. As I just mentioned, our cut
is 14 percent. Clearly, other states have found a way
to buffer the economic downturn's impact on higher
education. Maryland has chosen a different path.
It has chosen to target higher education for reductions.
"I also said that these cuts are harmful and
they are, on multiple levels. As a result of the
accumulated cuts, we must eliminate close to 800
FTE positions across the System including over 400
layoffs. First and foremost, these actions are
devastating on a personal level. The Board needs to
know that our institutions have gone to great lengths
to provide compassion and support for these valued
colleagues who will be losing their positions. In
particular, we have launched extensive outplacement
and other counseling services.
"At the institutional level, these position
eliminations erode the quality of our campuses.
Class sizes will grow, courses will be cut and support
services will diminish.
"The cuts are also harmful because students are
being required to pay tuition at a level they could not
possibly have planned for when they began their studies.
Some may have to drop out of school. Many will have to
take part time jobs or expand the number of hours they
already work. This will significantly impact their
time to degree and the quality of their learning
experience. Here again our institutions have stepped
forward to try and help as best they can. They have
increased significantly their financial aid budgets
to assist our neediest students through these difficult
"Finally, Mr. Chairman, I said these cuts are
short-sighted. The engine of economic growth and the
basis for a high quality of life in the 21st
Century is high quality higher education. At present,
Maryland is blessed to have a System of higher education
that, after decades of effort and investment, is regarded
as one of the nation's best. It should be seen as a
precious treasure that insures a bright future for
our state, not as a balancing account to solve or
state's fiscal problems. We anticipate a 25 percent
surge in the size of high school graduating classes
over the next eight years. These students know that
the key to success in the knowledge era is a college
degree. The question our state leaders must answer
is: How will it be possible for this rapidly expanding
volume of young people to achieve their higher
educational goals and lifetime dreams? Our state
is on a collision course with two contradictory
policies. On the one hand, we are -- appropriately--
priming the educational pipeline by making the
necessary investments to encourage more and more
K-12 students to prepare for college, while at the
same time we are destroying the ability of our
universities to expand capacity and maintain their
present high level of quality. Something will have
to give and the clock is ticking.
"I refuse to believe that our present path
is one that the citizens of Maryland want us to travel.
We must redouble our efforts to inform our elected
officials and the general public of the dire consequences
that will result if the debilitating cuts we have received
are not reversed. I want the members of the Board to know
that I intend to lead such an effort, beginning with my
presentation to special sessions of the House Appropriations
and the Senate Budget and Taxation Committees meetings
this coming Tuesday. We will call upon our friends and
colleagues within and without of the System to actively
seek every possible opportunity to talk to editorial
boards, go on television and radio talk shows, speak
to civic associations and other groups, visit our
elected officials, and write our alumni and friends.
This will require and intensive effort. But nothing
could be a better or more important use of our time.
"Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me this
opportunity to convey my alarm over the long term damage
that is being done to our System institutions and to our
state's future through these debilitating cuts in our
state support and to express my intention to seek
support from all possible quarters to reverse these
harmful decisions."
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739