Special Meeting of the USM Board of Regents to
New Tuition Policy
Adelphi, MD - The University System of Maryland (USM)
Board of Regents will reconsider a recommendation to require
USM institutions with undergraduate programs to develop four-year
tuition plans. This recommendation is one of several developed
by the University System of Maryland Tuition and Fee Task Force,
appointed by USM Chancellor William E. Kirwan in October 2002.
The policy was discussed at the December 12, 2003 board meeting
(rescheduled from December 5, 2003), but final action was tabled.
The board will again consider the task force's final report and
recommendations at a special public meeting scheduled to begin at
2:00 p.m., Friday, December 19, 2003. The meeting will be held in
the Chancellor's Conference Room at the Elkins Building, 3300
Metzerott Road, Adelphi, Maryland.
At the public hearings sponsored by the tuition task force
during the past year, speakers expressed the need for tuition
predictability. Institutional four-year plans would help to
ensure some level of predictability, according to the group's
report. Other task force recommendations include a proposal to
link expected state appropriations and funding guidelines to
enrollment and efficiency targets. Task force members included
students, parents, administrators, and regents.
Anne Moultrie
Phone: 301/445-2722
E-mail: amoultrie@usmd.edu