USM Board of Regents Condemns Student Behavior at College Park
April 9, 2001
USM Board of Regents Condemns Student Behavior at College Park Following NCAA
A resolution condemning the behavior of university students in the wake of
the University of Maryland, College Park loss to Duke University in the NCAA
Final Four was approved today by the University System of Maryland (USM) Board
of Regents. Regent Steny H. Hoyer presented the resolution, which criticized the
"criminal and dangerous" behavior of students who caused a reported
$500,000 in damages to a Comcast cable television line and $50,000 to city
property in College Park last Saturday night. Hoyer offered the resolution as an
agenda item during today's regular Board meeting at the University of Maryland,
Baltimore County. (See following pages for full text of resolution.)
The resolution reads, in part: "The Board of Regents directs the
Administration of the University of Maryland, College Park to vigorously and
expeditiously seek to identify all UMCP students or employees involved in the
incidents of arson, vandalism, assault and other inexcusable behavior that
followed the Maryland-Duke basketball game, no matter where such
behavior occurred.."
The Regents called for campus police to work with College Park law enforcement
agencies to investigate the incidents, and that "the Administration take
the strongest action allowed by its disciplinary policies" in punishing all
College Park students and/or employees responsible for the destruction.
The resolution also supported the "sentiments and conclusions" of UMCP
President C.D. Mote Jr., who has apologized for the students' acts of violence
and destruction. "The behavior of some of our students is contrary to
everything we stand for," President Mote wrote in a letter to College Park
Mayor Michael Jacobs. "Their acts embarrassed the vast majority of students
who study here, as well as our faculty, staff, and alumni who take great pride
in the University of Maryland and the City of College Park."
The Board said it expects UMCP to report back on the results of the
investigation, including any recommendations for Board action to prevent or
respond to such episodes in the future.
The Board of Regents also expressed its regrets to the College Park community
and pledged its full support for appropriate corrective measures.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739