USM Praises Governor's Budget
January 17, 2001
USM Leadership Praises Governor's Budget
Two leaders in public higher education in Maryland, Nathan A. Chapman, Jr.,
chairman of the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents, and
Donald N. Langenberg, chancellor of the USM, praised the Fiscal Year 2002
budget proposed today by Governor Parris N. Glendening.
"To those who ask if we can afford to spend this much for higher education,
I ask if we can afford not to," Chapman said earlier today. "The budget
reflects the priorities established for the University System of Maryland in
legislation passed by the General Assembly in 1999. The legislation states
that the System is 'an engine that drives economic growth and will be key to
competing successfully in the 21st century.' It eliminated structural and
management impediments to institutions' achieving their goals. The General
Assembly designed a much more efficient 'economic engine.' Now, we must
provide it the necessary fuel."
Chancellor Langenberg added: "The governor's budget for Maryland's total
educational system, from kindergarten through college, is bold and forward
looking. It recognizes that if our state's economy is to continue to be the
envy of the country, we can't sit on a lead. Businesses are looking for
states that can not only provide an educated workforce, but can also provide a
sound education for the children of their workforce. The governor's budget
is right on target, and the target is the future."
According to the Governor's press office, the budget includes a "major
commitment" to higher education, with a $159 million increase in operating
expenditures and $43 million for campus buildings. In addition, scholarship
funding has been increased by 19 percent, with $10 million for expansion of
the Hope scholarship program and $3 million for need-based awards. (The Hope
scholarship program provides funds to students who attend a college in
Maryland and enroll in an academic program that will address career shortage
areas in the state.)
Francis Canavan
Phone: 301/445-2722