Press Release
July 7, 2000
USM Board of Regents Approves 10-Year Plan Anticipating Widespread Growth in
Student Population
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents has approved a
10-year strategic plan designed to accommodate significant growth in the
number of students attending college at all levels, especially among
students of traditional college age - the so-called "baby-boom echo." The
plan was unanimously approved during the board's meeting on Friday, July 7
at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
"The plan's central premise is that Maryland is undergoing an historic
transformation leading to a high-tech, knowledge-based society and an
economy powered by a highly skilled, racially and ethnically diverse
workforce," wrote USM Chancellor Donald N. Langenberg and Board of Regents
Chairman Nathan A. Chapman Jr. in a letter accompanying the document. "The
enormity of this challenge has not dissuaded us. Each of the USM's 11
degree-granting institutions and two research institutions has been involved
in the development of this plan and is committed to its
implementation. ...Maryland's political and business leaders must understand
that the most important investment they can make in our State's future is
the perpetual education of all its citizens."
The plan anticipates an additional 7,600
full-time traditional undergraduates in the next 10 years. Under current
projections, about 2,300 of those students would not be accommodated. The
USM response will focus on encouraging aggressive growth at selected
campuses and regional centers; maintaining and increasing the number of
out-of-state students who are likely to settle in Maryland thus mitigating
the coming labor shortage; and increasing the number of USM graduates by 25
percent, with particular attention paid to areas with anticipated high labor
shortages, such as teaching and information technology. The plan will be
sent to the Governor, the Maryland General Assembly, and the Maryland Higher
Education Commission.
Chancellor Langenberg emphasized that the plan is designed to ensure that the USM will
respond quickly to change:
"The plan is intended to be a dynamic document,
reviewed annually and amended as necessary to reflect new information
and needs, as well as feedback from key stakeholders. We will measure
its progress. We expect to be held accountable for its implementation."
The Regents also approved several other agenda items, including:
- Fiscal Year 2002 capital budget request of $275,379,000 and Fiscal Year
2001 USM-funded construction program request of $63,635,000.
- Capital improvement program for Fiscal Years 2002-2006, and 10-year
capital plan covering Fiscal Years 2002-2011.
- Formal recognition of new affiliated foundations at the University of
Maryland, College Park, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
- Technology fluency plan for students, faculty and staff.
The Board also elected a new slate of officers. In addition to retaining
Chapman as chairman, the board voted Admiral Charles R. Larson, (Ret.) as
vice chairman; Steny H. Hoyer, secretary; Louise Michaux Gonzales,
treasurer; Lillian Hobson Lincoln, assistant secretary; and Thomas B. Finan,
Jr., treasurer. The Board also welcomed new Regent Joseph D. Tydings as well
as the incoming Student Regent, Kevin G. Oxendine of the University of
Maryland, College Park.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739
Pager: 301/507-2316