USM National Green Campus
News Archive
Week of June 28, 2010
News from Across the USM
'dead zone' could be smaller: Reduced low oxygen area good news, scientists say (By Pamela Wood, The Capital, 6/23/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore of the University of Maryland Center
for Environmental Science]
'dead zone' forecast smaller this summer: Scientists differ over import of
water quality in reviving Chesapeake's depleted fish catch
(By Timothy B.
Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 6/22/10) [Article quotes Bill Dennison of
the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]
smog better, but still with us (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More
Green Blog, 6/21/10) [Article cites the work of
atmospheric researchers at University of Maryland, Baltimore County]
State of Maryland
help Marylanders save on electric bills: Incentives
and discounts help consumers cut consumption and costs (By Liz F. Kay, The Baltimore Sun, 6/25/10)
installing charging stations for electric vehicles (By Tim Wheeler. The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 6/24/10)
take local produce to a new level - the roof: Chefs, inspired by local-foods movement, aren't just buying from
farmers; they want to be the farmer (By Laura Vozella, The Baltimore Sun, 6/22/10)
officials explore options after 'smart grid' proposal is rejected: Utility has not decided whether to re-file
proposal to state energy regulators (By Hannah Cho, The Baltimore Sun, 6/22/10)
regulators deny 'smart grid' proposal (By Liz F. Kay and Hannah Cho, The
Baltimore Sun, 6/21/10)
National and International
denies report that CEO Hayward resigning; Gulf storm missing oil spill but
could disrupt (By Janet McConnaughey and Vladimir Isachenkov, The
Associated Press as reported by The Baltimore Sun, 6/28/10)
Hiring Feeds Frustration in Fishing Town (By John Leland, The New York Times, 6/26/10)
Lags on Setting Some Air Standards, Report Finds (By Yeganeh June Torbati, The New York Times - Green Blog, 6/26/10)
Toxins found in whales bode ill for humans (The Associated Press as
reported by Google News, 6/25/10)