USM National Green Campus
News Archive
Week of February 9, 2009
News From Across the USM Campuses
Frostburg 2009 - ‘Learn-In" for a sustainable future - Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 8am - 6pm on the Frostburg campus. FSU students, faculty, staff and community
members participate in events that promote learning about sustainability and
climate awareness.
GREEN: Recycling on the Towson University Campus (Towson University Go
Green web site, updated 2/6/09)
the changed economic environment: RESI's 13th annual Economic Outlook
Conference to promote alternative energies, economic sustainability (Towson
University Newsroom, 2/3/09)
IPY talks
highlight South Pole Station, changing Arctic sea life (By Tracey Bryant and Elizabeth Boyle, UDaily, University of Delaware, 2/3/09) [Article cites University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science professor, Jacqueline Grebmeier]
State of Maryland News
Observed: Sustainable City -A Blueprint for Green (By Greg Hanscom,
Urbanite Magazine, 2/9/09)